Laser Therapy

Benefits of Canine Laser Therapy

Effective Pet Rehabilitation

Laser therapy sessions are perfect for rehabilitating injured or aging pets.

By using specific frequencies of light, our laser therapy sessions stimulate healing processes and alleviate your pet's pain.

Safe Treatments

Our laser therapy treatments are carried out by skilled canine therapists with lasers specifically designed for use on pets.

As a SUMMUS Certified Provider, you can feel safe knowing that your pet is being treated by experts.

Reduces Your Pet's Pain

Pets with injuries, ailments, or other medical issues are likely to be in a lot of pain due to inflammation and stress.

Our laser therapy treatments stimulate your pet's natural production of endorphins which reduces stress, pain, and depression.

More Info About Our Canine Laser Therapy Services

Laser therapy is one of the most effective animal rehabilitation modalities for treating pain and promoting healing in pets who’re suffering from a wide array of ailments, an injury or who are recovering from surgery.

Laser therapy, sometimes also referred to as “Cold Laser”, uses specific frequencies of light to penetrate deep into your pet’s tissues.  The treated cells then use this light energy to  stimulate, repair and regenerate themselves.

Like acupuncture, the laser activates your pet’s natural healing abilities to increase circulation, at the same time reducing inflammation and fluid build up in the treated area.

At Scuba Sams, our lasers are specifically designed for animals. Both the power and dosage are adjustable, and our therapists are highly skilled at determining which level of power is appropriate for your pet’s individual needs.

The following are just some of the ailments which our therapists treat with Laser Therapy:

- Post surgical incisions.
- Acute and Chronic kidney disease
- Arthritis
- Fractures
- Bug Bites
- Snake Bites
- Chronic Pain
- Hip Dysplasia
- Lameness
- Tendon/Ligament strains or tears
- Lick Granulomas

SUMMUS Certified Provider of Laser Therapy Treatments

Scuba Sam's is proud to be a SUMMUS Certified Provider of canine laser treatments - make sure to contact us and book your canine laser therapy appointment today.

By eliminating pain and reducing inflammation, Laser therapy allows your pet to regain mobility and strength at a much faster rate. 

This is especially beneficial for pets that are recovering from surgery or injury, and older pets who’ve become depressed due to lack of activity.

Laser therapy also helps to release endorphins, your pet’s natural painkillers, reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, and elevate mood. In short, it’s almost magic. 

Please note, it is the intracellular regenerative property of lasers that precludes us from using this modality on patients with cancer.